Saturday, April 10, 2010

What is Maxism?

Maxism is a political and economical philosophy emphasizing the importance of class struggle in society. It is based on the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels from the middle of the 19th century, and is often described as a form of socialism. Marxism calls for society's intervitable progression from capitalist oppressed to a socialist, classless society through a worker's strike.
Marism was the foundation for many political ideologies, Nazism, Stalinism and Maoism. Many political leaders of the 20th century, including Joseph stalin and Adolf hitler, were followers of the teaching of marx and engels. The teachings of the maxism would ultimately help to mold many important global events of the 20th century, including both world wars. Marxism was first attempted to be instilled into a national consciousness by the October Revolution of Validimir Lenin in1917.
Marx and Engels were both devoted to the historical force which they believed were bringing about the end of capitalism. They thought Marx and Engels were both deveted to the historical forces which they believe were bringing about the end of capitalism. They thought that economic processes and class struggles laid the ground for every important era and movement in history, and would lend to downfall of the upper class and the rise of an egalitarian communist society. They called their doctrine hot Marxism, but "scientific socialism".
The concepts and ideas of Marxism were formented by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, both Germans, in the 1840's and put intodoctrine in 1848 with the communist manifesto. The communist was a political manuscript that outlined the steps for the working class, called the proletarians, to revolt and overthrow the upper class, called the bourgeoisie.
The communist Manifesto is today looked at as one of the most important political texts in history. Its main theme are, as mentioned, the idea that, classes drive historical changes and the idea that people's view of the condition of their lives is instilled by the "dominant ideology" of the upper class. The other important text is that the capitalism, that Marxism aims to destroy thrives on the exploitation of proletarian by those who own the means of running the economy.
Another important Maxist idea emphasied historical materialism. This was the idea that history was driven by the materialism of the people living it. People lives and actions were driven by acquiring what they needed to survive- to feed, to cloth, and to house themselves.
Marx and Engel were heavily shaped by the generations of thinkers preceding them, including philosophers. Jean-Jacques Rosseau and immanual Kant, and the expounded on the ideas of these philosophers and would produce their own theory of history and "political economy" and ruling classes. Marx would grow weary near his death of the misrepresentation of his work and mistranslations of many Marxist ideas.
Maxism, however Marx left the theory and practice when he died, influnced countries throughout the 20th century, and had a part in the ruling of countries from Albania and North Korea, to Afghanistan and Nicaragua, and at least two dozen ohters. Marxism,however, has led to the emergence of many dictatorial governments, instead of the egalitarian it preached. However, its study and importance throughout the 20th century and beyound have confirmed it as an important political philosophy in world politics, history and thinking.

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